I am super excited!! This is my first post on my first blog! Okay, let's go over the introductions, (just let it be known, I feel like I'm talking to absolutely nobody, so if somebody is reading this, please put my young heart at ease by commenting.) I'm Kristen. Avid reader and movie/TV watcher. Just so we can cover the basics, I will try to do a quick self-analysis. First of all, I love books and I love movies. If they were guys, I'd totally date them. (Just sayin'.) Although, if I really think about it, I don't actually have to date the book, just the crush-worthy fictional men in them! **ahem** Moving on...... Now I'll be more specific on what kind of books I love: paranormal romance novels. Which are (yes, I'm gonna say it!) Vampire Love Stories. I can't help it. Okay, to tell you the complete truth they are more like Vampire/Werewolf/Magic/Other Supernatural Stuff Love Stories. **sigh** I love basically all movies, from Disney cartoons to Sherl...