TGIF (1)

TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by GReads! that has a different question each week. This is my first and last TGIF of 2011! It seems befitting, considering what the question is! lol :)) This week's question: First & Last: What was the first book you read in 2011 and the last you finished in 2011? How do you feel about these books? Would you recommend them to other readers? The first book I read in 2011 was: The last book I read in 2011 was: I loved both of these book very much! Even though they are the exact opposite of each other- A Walk to Remember made my cry...... like a baby, while Deadly Cool had me laughing out loud....... like a lunatic. I definitely reccommend these books to everyone! A Walk to Remember it deep and inspiring. Deadly Cool is light and inspiriting. And I am proud that these two books mark my start and finish! -Kristen ♥