Favorite Booktubers

I (obviously) love books. I also love YouTube. Luckily, there are fellow book-loving peeps making videos on the interwebz. These are my faves. #1: Christine Riccio ( polandbananasBOOKS ) Christine is hilarious. She makes fun book talks and cool sketchy videos. #2: Kat O'Keeffe ( Katytastic ) Kat is super sweet and has a bookshelf that is to die for. #2. Natasha Polis ( Tashapolis ) Natasha is a huge fangirl who understands my love of Jaime Fraser. #3: Sasha Alsberg ( abookutopia ) Sasha is adorable, has fun videos, and is in love with Scotland. #4: Jesse George ( jessethereader ) Jesse is a whole lot of fun in his videos. #5: Regan Perusse ( PeruseProject ) Regan is a college student and lover of historical fiction. ______________________________ I've been seriously considering joining Booktube for some time now, and I think I'm going to be making it happen soon. So, (if you want) you can subscribe to me HERE . -Kristen ♥