Book Spotlight: The Fangirl Life by Kathleen Smith (Author Interview)

Title: The Fangirl Life: A Guide to All the Feels and Learning How to Deal Author: Kathleen Smith Publisher: TarcherPerigee Publication Date: July 5, 2016 Synopsis: You'd probably know a "fangirl" when you see one, but the majority stay relatively closeted due to the stigma of being obsessed with fictional characters. However, these obsessions are sometimes the fangirl's solutions for managing stress, anxiety, and even low self-esteem. Fangirling is often branded as behavior young women should outgrow and replace with more adult concerns. Written by a proud fangirl, The Fangirl Life is a witty testament to the belief that honoring your imagination can be congruous with good mental health, and it's a guide to teach fangirls how to put their passion to use in their own lives. The Fangirl Life encourages you to use an obsession not as a distraction from the anxieties of life, but rather as a test lab for your own life story: How can a character girl crush be us...