Book Release News!!!

I am so excited!!! Jeaniene Frost's book: One Grave at a Time (Book 6, Night Huntress Series ♥) was released today!!! Yay-Yay-Yay-Yay!!!!

OMG. I just might die of excitement before I even get a chance to read the first page. Wow. I can't really tell if my excitement is coming across to you, but trust me when I say that it is here and it's causing me to squeal like a little fangirl and dance a really embarrassing jig while chanting "I'm going to read about Bones!!! I'm going to read about Cat!!! I'm going to read about Bones AND Cat!!!"

AHHHHHHH!!!!! **Squeal** Yipee!!!! Whoop-Whoop!!!

Okay, **cleansing breath**, I think I'm done now. But, now I have to go and hunt down this book!!!

Bye!!!! :D


**WARNING: This book is only intended for peoples 18 and older!!! **


  1. I haven't read this series. Seems like I need to!

    Tia @ Falling For Books

  2. Oh, you definitely should. Especially if you love paranormal romances. ♥

  3. Thanks so much for dropping by the Monday Mingle Blog Hop! Your GFC widget is not working, let me know if I'm already following you or not. I hope you'll stop by
    again soon! Have a great day! :)

    P.S. I would love to connect on Facebook too, if we haven't already.

  4. Yup, you're already following me (Thank you!!!). I would also love to connect of FB! I just liked your page! Here is mine:
    Thanks!!! :))


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