In My Mailbox (3)

"In My Mailbox" is a meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren that features books I've received/purchased/borrowed during the current week.

From Simon & Schuster, I got:




From Authors, I got:


I personally bought:

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by

(I was actually super surprised when I found this on my public library's "For Sale" shelf!!! I snatched it up for a steal!)



  1. Just hopping through.
    Nice books :)

    Please hop by and have a look at the book in my my IMM post

    I'm a new follower

  2. I love library book sales, you can find the best stuff from them! Great find!

    Happy Reading
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  3. Great books! Gotta love library sales!! I've had my eye on it too, though the ebook is still $9 so I'm waiting for it to come down a bit in price... Hopefully soon!! :) Great find!

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My IMM:


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