New Meme!!!

Hello Bloggy Followers!!!

I have had this idea for quite a while to create my very own meme but the question has always been: What will it be about?!?! Well, I have finally figured it out; it's going to be a meme for Awesome Book to Movie Adaptations (ABMA)!!! You like? Now, just so that you can get the basics, this isn't a meme that will have a set date it will be posted. I'm just going to post it whenever I discover awesome book to movie adaptations. If you're wondering if you can also use me meme, the answer is: Of Course! But I would appreciate it if you would credit it to me. Thanks!

Now, I'm guessing you want to see the meme, right? Well, here it is:

I hope you like it! I designed it myself, so I know it's not a masterpiece or anything. But I think it looks alright. Antyways, if you'd like to create your own picture for the meme, that's alright too, but feel free to use the one above as well.  :)) Now my first post for the meme will be up sometime soon! I hope you enjoy it. :))

-Kristen ♥


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