The Book I Am Most Thankful For

So, Beth Revis (the author of the ahhh-mazing book: Across the Universe) is having an awesome giveaway where she asked entrants to post about the book we are most thankful for. Well, this really got me thinking, because there have been a lot of books that I've read- some I've liked, some I've hated, some I've seriously considered marrying.......... You get the picture. But which of these AM I MOST THANKFUL FOR????

I decided to do a little research to come up with the answer. The first place I went was my bookshelf, my eyes scanned over titles such as the Vampire Academy Series, Shadow Falls Series, Morganville Vampires Series, the Darkest Powers Series, Delirium, Divergent, Unearthly, this list went on and on and on..... and on...... and on....... well, you get the picture. But then my eyes landed on the Twilight Saga. Now this series has had A LOT of controversy. Some people love it...... some pople hate it....... From the very beginning I have been a fan of Twilight (and yes, I will be there on November 18 to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 in theaters!!!) But besides it being a great vampire love story, Twilight is what reawakened my love of reading.

Ever since I was little, I have loved to read. But some reason as I got older, my love of reading kind of lyed dormit...... that is, until Twilight. Which is the biggest reason that Twilight is the book that I am most thankful for this year!!!  :))

Click the button below to also enter the giveaway!!!

-Kristen ♥


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