Review: Revealing Eden by Victoria Foyt

Title: Revealing Eden
Author: Victoria Foyt
Series: Save the Pearls, #1
Publisher: Sand Dollar Press Inc.
Publication Date: January 10, 2012

Synopsis: Eden Newman must mate before her 18th birthday in six months or she'll be left outside to die in a burning world. But who will pick up her mate-option when she's cursed with white skin and a tragically low mate-rate of 15%? In a post-apocalyptic, totalitarian, underground world where class and beauty are defined by resistance to an overheated environment, Eden's coloring brands her as a member of the lowest class, a weak and ugly Pearl. If only she can mate with a dark-skinned Coal from the ruling class, she'll be safe. Just maybe one Coal sees the Real Eden and will be her salvation her co-worker Jamal has begun secretly dating her. But when Eden unwittingly compromises her father's secret biological experiment, she finds herself in the eye of a storm and thrown into the last area of rainforest, a strange and dangerous land. Eden must fight to save her father, who may be humanity's last hope, while standing up to a powerful beast-man she believes is her enemy, despite her overwhelming attraction. Eden must change to survive but only if she can redefine her ideas of beauty and of love, along with a little help from her "adopted aunt" Emily Dickinson.

Verdict: Wow! What a way to start off the year! The story was fast-paced, action-packed, and caused me to officially fall in love with this book! (If you're wondering what happens when you fall in love with a book, it's quite simple: 1) Commence to Facebook and Twitter stalking the author, 2) Commence to adding all of author's works, but especially the sequel, as a to-read, and 3) Commence to writing a review with a lot of fangirling!) Eden is an inspiration to always be yourself and Bramford was beastly.... in a good way. I zipped through this book in two days! (It would have been one day, but when I had gotten past the half way mark it was already very late and I had to wake up early the next morning.) The story starts off with Eden working at the lab where her scientist father is conducting a huge, life-changing experiment. Now before I move on, I need to explain a little something about this dystopian world- it is ruled by coals (slang for black people); and pearls (slang for white people) are the hated lower-class minority. This is because the sun's radiation waves started penetrating through our atmosphere layers and it killed off most of the pearls because their light skin couldn't protect them as well as the coal's dark skin. So, Eden is a pearl and is turning eighteen soon, which is the deadline for when females have to be mated. Unfortunately, Eden's mate rate is only 15% which has been causing her a huge amount of worry. That is until something bigger happens; this is where the story really gets going and it pulled me in and wouldn't let go! I am dying to get the sequel and find out what else will happen between Eden and Bramford! And I can't praise Victoria Foyt enough for thinking up this beautifully unique story and sharing it with the rest of us! <3

A copy was provided by the publisher.

Rating: 3/5 Stars

-Kristen ♥


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