TGIF (8)

TGIF is a weekly feature hosted by GReads! that has a different question each week.

This Friday's Question: Social Networking: Do you use Twitter or Facebook to promote your blog? How has it benefited your book blogging experience? If not, how do you promote your blog? Share your twitter handle and/or Facebook link!

Yes! I use both Twitter and Facebook to help promote my blog! When I first started my blog I didn't have either and it only took me a month or see to realize what an efficient tool Twitter can be! I will admit that like so many, I didn't really see the point of Twitter at first..... but now I'm addicted! I'm constantly checking my news feed on Twitter and posting tweets! My Facebook page is more recent. I created it about six months ago and have 306 likes, but I'm ashamed to say that I'm really bad about keeping it updated. In fact I just checked and the last time I posted an update on my page was in January. Yikes! But no worries, you can also count on Twitter to be updated!  :))

Tweet me at: @kmichelle_10
"Like" The Cozy Reading Corner HERE.

-Kristen ♥


  1. I don't use Twitter as much as I probably should - and now that I've heard about so many people connecting with favorite authors on there, I might have to get back on it a little more :-)


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