
Showing posts from December, 2012

Cover Reveal: Sworn to Raise by Terah Edun

Title: Sworn to Raise Author: Terah Edun Series: Courtlight, #1 Publisher: Amazon Digital Publication Date: March 15, 2013 Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Ciardis has grown up in poverty, a cleaner in a small vale on the outskirts of the kingdom. But beneath her kingdom’s seemingly idyllic surface lies a hidden secret. Whispers of an inept crown Prince are growing ever louder—intensified by the five year anniversary of the soulbond initiations. Amidst scandalous whispers, Ciardis finds herself chosen to train for the Companion’s Guild. She leaves her home and sets off on a personal journey to become a Court Companion. A position she’d never thought possible for a lowly servant to obtain, she must prove that she has the skills to attract a Patron. But she must master those skills quickly. If the legends are true, only Ciardis can harness the power to raise a Prince in an Imperial Court sworn to bring him down. This sensational series debut melds intricate storylines with remarkable

Random Bookish Whimsy (4)

-Kristen ♥

Trailer Reveal: Eternal Hope by Frankie Rose

Title: Eternal Hope Author: Frankie Rose Series: Hope, #2 Publication Date: October 12, 2012 Synopsis: He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me When your friends go missing and you don’t know if they’re dead or alive; when you tie your soul to the one you love; when you kill to protect and your family suffers, there’s only one thing you can do: Move to Montana. Farley Hope is special. She was prophesied to kill the forebears of her bloodline- a race of cold-blooded Reavers, men who steal the souls of the living to gain power. The Quorum had counted on Farley ending her own life in the process, but when Kayden came to her aid and helped save both her and Daniel, he undid their plans. Now the Quorum are displeased, not only with Kayden, but with Farley and Daniel too. Though her father is now dead, Farley’s troubles with the Reavers are far from over. An ancient Immortal, trapped for a thousand years, wants Farley for himself, and he will stop at nothing to claim her. With secrets

Merry Christmas!

-Kristen ♥

Blog Tour: V is for Virgin by Kelly Oram (Author Interview + Giveaway)

To to see the other blogs participating in the tour go HERE . Title: V is for Virgin Author: Kelly Oram Publisher:  Bluefields Publication Date: December 11, 2012 Synopsis: When Val Jensen gets dumped for her decision to stay a virgin until marriage, the nasty breakup goes viral on YouTube, making her the latest internet sensation. After days of ridicule from her peers, Val starts a school-wide campaign to rally support for her cause. She meant to make a statement, but she never dreamed the entire nation would get caught up in the controversy. As if becoming nationally recognized as “Virgin Val” isn’t enough, Val’s already hectic life starts to spin wildly out of control when bad boy Kyle Hamilton, lead singer for the hit rock band Tralse, decides to take her abstinence as a personal challenge. How can a girl stay true to herself when this year’s Sexiest Man Alive is doing everything in his power to win her over? About the Author: Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen–a

Lindsay Writes: Holiday Book Giveaway!

Lindsay over at Lindsay Writes is having a Holiday Book Giveaway! Lookie at what's in store:      " REQUIEM releases March 5, 2013 from HarperCollins UNRAVEL ME Releases Feb 5, 2013 from HarperCollins SHARDS AND ASHES releases Feb 19, 2013 from HarperCollins These are all books from my publisher, Harper. These books totally influenced my writing of THE MURDER COMPLEX, and so, to give back, I'm spreading the word before their 2013 releases!! :) GIVEAWAY   I have ONE advanced reader copy of REQUIEM and UNRAVEL ME , an ARC of SHARDS&ASHES up for grabs, and because yall hit 5k entries, I have a SIGNED COPY OF DIVERGENT . Get it super early! Trust me...these books both rock so much!! :) " ~Taken from Lindsay's website.~ To enter, head on over to her site: HERE ! -Kristen ♥

99 Authors, 99 Book, 99 Cents

These prices are available on Amazon only. For a listing of books offered and to enter to win, click here!!   -Kristen ♥

Cover Reveal: Dangerous by Suzannah Daniels

Title: Dangerous Author: Suzannah Daniels Publication Date: February 10, 2013 Synopsis: Stone Hamilton had never known fear...until the accident. Since then, his life has spiraled out of control. He's been kicked out of private school, deemed a disappointment by his father, and forced to endure his own guilt, anger, and grief. The last thing he wants is a relationship with someone who will have expectations of him. But once he's enticed by the shimmering pink lips of the oh-so-popular, academically-excelling, straitlaced hottie from his new school, he knows he's in trouble. Seventeen-year-old Dara Golding has one goal for the summer: make enough money to buy a car, so that she can drive to school her senior year. After starting a new job, she realizes that she'll be working with the brooding, motorcycle-riding, bad boy who started attending Quail Mountain High last year. With his less than stellar reputation, he's everything she's afraid of...and that

Cover Reveal: Lennon's Jinx by Chris Myers

Title: Lennon's Jinx Author: Chris Myers Publication Date: January 15, 2012 Synopsis: Sometimes, we don’t get to choose who we fall for. Lennon spends most of his time raising his little sister Currie while trying to skate through his senior year of high school. He prefers groupies with no-strings attached but finds himself strangely attracted to Jinx, the straight-A student in his choir. Lennon’s curiosity overrules his good sense as he tries to peel away the layers to discover the reason for Jinx’s skittishness. Jinx conceals the black truth about herself from her friends. She won’t admit to them that she screwed up big time, losing her first love and what she once held most precious. When Lennon’s band holds auditions to replace their keyboard player, Jinx comes to tryout and almost leaves after seeing Lennon. Despite the fact she despises him, she joins the band to nurture her love of music that will hopefully ease the guilt gnawing away at her. Like the rest of his band ma

In My Mailbox (27)

"In My Mailbox" is a meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren that features books that I've received/purchased/borrowed during the current week. This week, I recieved: Morganville Blood Bag, BITTER BLOOD, Common Grounds coffee mug and sticker!!!   It's **SIGNED** by Rachel freakin' Caine!!!   Morganville Vampires Election T-shirt! (Left-Front ; Right-Back)     I want to give a shout-out to Anna @   which is where I won this ahhh-mazing giveaway!  :D    -Kristen ♥

Cover Reveal: Timespell by Diana Paz (Trailer)

Title: Timespell Author: Diana Paz Publisher: Rhemalda Publishing Publication Date: April 1, 2013 Synopsis: In TIMESPELL, the brash and impulsive Julia must team up with her sweet and straight-laced best friend, Angie, and the malicious and power-hungry Kaitlyn in order to keep the witch-like powers of her inheritance. But these powers come at a cost. The girls are bound to serve the Fates, and their first mission sends them back in time to Marie Antoinette’s Paris and eventually, into the chaos and war of the French Revolution. About the Author: Diana Paz writes books about magic, adventure, and romance. She was born in Costa Rica, grew up on Miami Beach, moved to Los Angeles in high school, and went to college in San Diego. Basically, she’s a beach bum. Diana graduated from California State University, San Marcos with a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts. She loves old movies, epic fantasy, all kinds of music, and heading to the beach with a good book. Preferably sipping a highl

Cover Reveal/Book Release: Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn

Title: Free Souls Author: Susan Kaye Quinn Series: Mindjack Trilogy, #3 Publication Date: December 14, 2012 (Today!) Synopsis: When your mind is a weapon, freedom comes at a price. Four months have passed since Kira left home to join Julian’s Jacker Freedom Alliance, but the hole in her heart still whistles empty where her boyfriend Raf used to be. She fills it with weapons training, JFA patrols, and an obsessive hunt for FBI agent Kestrel, ignoring Julian’s worries about her safety and repeated attempts to recruit her for his revolutionary chat-casts. When anti-jacker politician Vellus surrounds Jackertown with the National Guard, Kira discovers there’s more to Julian’s concerns than she knew, but she’s forced to take on a mission that neither want and that might be her last: assassinating Senator Vellus before he can snuff out Julian’s revolution and the jackers she’s come to love. All of the Mindjack stories are available on Amazon , Barnes&Noble , Kobo , and iTunes (Note

Book Spotlight: The Truth Behind the Empty Pen by Brittany Dukes (Author Interview)

Title: The Truth Behind the Empty Pen Author: Brittany Dukes Publisher: Tate Publishing Publication Date: December 11, 2012 Synopsis: When your life is in turmoil, and tragedy surrounds you, where do you turn? For Brittany Dukes, she turned to her paper and pen. The only thing left, after the paper was full and the pen was empty, was truth.  Click HERE ! About the Author: Dukes is 19 years old and was born and raised in Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina. She is a youth activist, musician, singer, and leader among her peers. She was inspired to begin writing as she faced hard times at a young age. Her escape became prayer, music, and writing poetry. She has been writing with a passion ever since. Facebook | Twitter  | Goodreads Interview: First off, I'd like to thank you for joining me on the blog today! 1. Describe The Truth Behind the Empty Pen as a tweet   (140 characters or less)! The book is a collection of poems inspired by both struggles and successes in life

Cover Reveal: I Choose You by Bethany Lopez

Title: I Choose You Author: Bethany Lopez Series : Friends & Lovers, #2 Publication Date: January 8, 2013 Synopsis: Up until now, Nicole's life has been mapped out for her. She'd go to college, marry Jake and become the upstanding minister's wife. When she leaves that life to begin again in a small town in Texas, she finally has the freedom to live as she chooses. There, she meets Kent, a guy whose charm and passion make it hard to stick to her morals. Dodging his father’s fists and protecting his twin sister made Kent into the man he is today. He learned by watching his mother stay by his father’s side that it’s better to keep relationships simple. Then he meets Nicole. Her sweet smile and genuine response to him land like punches to his resolve. After a lifetime of learning to protect his heart, can he finally let down his guard? About the Author: Bethany Lopez was born in Detroit, Michigan, and grew up in San Antonio, Texas. She went to High School at Dearborn

Waiting on Wednesday (7)

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine , that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. This week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is: Independence (Significance #4) by Shelly Crane Independence (Significance, #4) In the fourth and final installment, Maggie and Caleb must tie up all the loose ends of their lives and make a way to be together completely on their own. With everything that happened with Bish and Maggie's father, she's almost reluctant to move on and move out. And now she must figure out all of this...stuff...with Haddock. But of course, nothing can stay simple for the ...more SS Synopsis: In the fourth and final installment, Maggie and Caleb must tie up all the loose ends of their lives and make a way to be together completely on their own. With everything that happened with Bish and Maggie's father, she's almost reluctant to move on

Cover Reveal: Harken by Kaleb Nation

Title: Harken Author: Kaleb Nation Series: Harken #1 Publication Date: January 13, 2013 Synopsis: After surviving an assassination attempt, teenager Michael Asher discovers that he is at the center of a worldwide conspiracy reaching higher than any earthly power. A supernatural organization desperately wants him dead. He doesn't know why. Everyone who might have the answers has already been killed. Tumbling into a web of international secrets, Michael is forced to fight back and dig up the truth. He begins to question how much of the world is truly as people are led to believe it is. Are there things that humanity is not being told? Who is the puppet master? And how far into the maze can he venture before he is lost forever? About the Author: Kaleb Nation is a blogger and online personality. His blogs and videos have received over 50 million hits online, and he has been featured on NPR, Entertainment Weekly, The Huffington Post and more. Kaleb lives in Californi