Lindsay Writes: Holiday Book Giveaway!

Lindsay over at Lindsay Writes is having a Holiday Book Giveaway! Lookie at what's in store:    

Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)Requiem (Delirium, #3) Divergent (Divergent, #1)
Shards & AshesShadows in the Silence (Angelfire, #3)Pulse (Pulse, #1)

"REQUIEM releases March 5, 2013 from HarperCollins
UNRAVEL ME Releases Feb 5, 2013 from HarperCollins
SHARDS AND ASHES releases Feb 19, 2013 from HarperCollins
These are all books from my publisher, Harper. These books totally influenced my writing of THE MURDER COMPLEX, and so, to give back, I'm spreading the word before their 2013 releases!! :)

I have ONE advanced reader copy of REQUIEM and UNRAVEL ME , an ARC of SHARDS&ASHES up for grabs, and because yall hit 5k entries, I have a SIGNED COPY OF DIVERGENT. Get it super early! Trust me...these books both rock so much!! :)"
~Taken from Lindsay's website.~

To enter, head on over to her site: HERE!

-Kristen ♥


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