Blog Tour: Anomaly by Krista McGee (Guest Post + Giveaway)

Title: Anomaly
Author: Krista McGee
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Publication Date: July 9, 2013

Synopsis: Thalli has fifteen minutes and twenty-three seconds left to live. The toxic gas that will complete her annihilation is invading her bloodstream. But she is not afraid.

Thalli is different than others in The State. She feels things. She asks questions. And in the State, this is not tolerated. The Ten scientists who survived the nuclear war that destroyed the world above believe that emotion was at the core of what went wrong—and they have genetically removed it from the citizens they have since created. Thalli has kept her malformation secret from those who have monitored her for most of her life, but when she receives an ancient piece of music to record as her community’s assigned musician, she can no longer keep her emotions secreted away.

Seen as a threat to the harmony of her Pod, Thalli is taken to the Scientists for immediate annihilation. But before that can happen, Berk—her former Pod mate who is being groomed as a Scientist—steps in and persuades the Scientists to keep Thalli alive as a test subject.

The more time she spends in the Scientist’s Pod, the clearer it becomes that things are not as simple as she was programmed to believe. She hears stories of a Designer—stories that fill her mind with more questions: Who can she trust? What is this emotion called love? And what if she isn’t just an anomaly, but part of a greater design?

About the Author: Krista McGee’s passion to see teens excited about serving God is a driving force behind her novels. Ever since college when she spent a summer working at a youth camp, McGee knew she wanted to invest in teenagers. Since then she’s been involved in a variety of youth ministries and currently teaches at a Christian school in Tampa, FL. McGee broke into the writing world during her time in Spain. A friend encouraged her to submit an article to a Christian girls’ magazine, and it got published. Once her family moved back to Tampa, she got the idea for her first novel, First Date, a modern take of the story of Esther. Her subsequent books, Starring Me and Right Where I Belong, are based on Rebekah and Ruth. When Krista McGee isn’t living in fictional worlds of her own creation, she spends her days as a wife, mom, teacher and coffee snob.

Guest Post:

What Made You Get into Writing?

It was 2008 and my high school English students were so engrossed in the popular vampire novels that they were completely ignoring my lectures on dangling participles and misplaced modifiers (shocking, I know!). So I read the books, and I immediately recognized why these students – the females especially – loved them so much: This was what we all crave. We want to be loved, cherished, treasured so much that someone is willing to give up everything for us, sacrifice himself for us, tell us and show us every day in many ways that we are his beloved. But these books – and the romance within their pages – fell short. No man will ever meet all our needs. No earthly romance will ever fully satisfy us. We are the Bride of Christ, and until we fully embrace that relationship, we will never be truly fulfilled.

So I thought to myself, “Someone ought to write entertaining, exciting books for teens where Jesus is the main character, wooing the girl to Himself…” That thought got stuck in my mind, wouldn’t leave. And from that thought, the idea for my first novel, First Date, was born.

God directed the next steps in ways only He could. He opened up the door for me to get an agent and, with her help, to find a publisher. I have been with Thomas Nelson publishers for almost three years now, with four books published and two more on the way. While my genres have changed, my heart remains the same: I want to write books that teens love to read, but I don’t want it to end there. I want to make teens think about who God is and who they are in relationship with him. I want them to know how very, very much they are loved, by One who will never leave them or forsake them, who will never give up on them.

5 print copies of Anomaly, US only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

-Kristen ♥


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