Blog Tour: One Wish Away by Kelley Lynn (Excerpt)

Title: One Wish Away
Author: Kelley Lynn
Publisher: Bloomsbury Spark
Publication Date: November 11, 2014

Synopsis: Be careful what you wish for…

Lyra has always been ahead of the curve. Top of her class in school, a budding astronomer, and with a best friend like Darren she barely has time to miss the mother who abandoned her family years ago. She's too busy planning to follow in her father's footsteps, and to become the youngest astronomer at Space Exploration and Discovery.

When a star goes missing Lyra is determined to get to the bottom of it only to discover her braniac dad is the mastermind of a top-secret government experiment. They promise to build a perfect world, one galaxy at a time, but with every tweak of the present, a bit more of the future starts to crumble. 

Lyra has to go undercover to reveal the truth and let humanity decide if the consequences are worth more than wishing on a star.

About the Author: Eventually the day came when the voices in Kelley Lynn’s head were more insistent then her engineering professor’s. So instead of turning to her Thermodynamics book, Kelley brought up a blank page on her computer screen and wrote. Somewhere along the way she became a Young Adult author. Kelley was born and raised a Midwestern girl. She’s not afraid to sweat and fills her free time with softball, soccer and volleyball. (Though you probably don’t want her on your volleyball team.) She occasionally makes guest appearances as a female vocalist for area bands. Music plays a large role in her writing process as well as the characters and plot lines within her stories. You can find Kelley hanging out at her blog, titled in her name, as well as the group blog she shares with her fellow critique partners, Falling for Fiction. Kelley is a member of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators.


Darren’s leaning on the mailbox when I get to his house, looking calm and content. Immediately when he sees me he stands up straight.
“What’s wrong?”
I shrug and try to make my voice light. “Why would there be anything wrong?”
He gestures to me. “You’re all pouty and it looks like you’re thinking so hard it hurts.”
I pull my backpack higher on my shoulders and look around the neighborhood for eavesdroppers. Not like anyone would really know what I’m talking about. Or care.
I take a few steps toward school and Darren falls in alongside me. “I saw something last night that I can’t figure out.”
“Huh. Lyra, stumped? That’s newsworthy.” Darren laughs and punches me lightly on the shoulder.
“I don’t know everything, Darren.”
He spins so he’s walking backward. His smile is gone.
“I’m sorry. That was meant to be funny—”
“It’s fine.”
“No, I hurt your feelings. That’s not fine.”
“How about… it’s okay?”
His lip tugs a little. “We’ll work on it. So what’s wrong?”
“What?” His heel hits the pothole in the road. His arms windmill and I reach out to grab hold of him before he falls.
“Thanks.” He says, breathless. I stare at my hand holding onto his arm. It’s gone instantly warm. So have my cheeks. When he clears his throat, I let go of my death grip and shake my head awake.
“No problem. Maybe walk forward from now on?”
“Good idea.”

-Kristen ♥


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