
Showing posts from March, 2015

Book Blitz: Bone Dry by Cady Vance (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: Bone Dry Author: Cady Vance Series: Soul Shamans, #1 Publisher: Sagan Press Publication Date: February 3, 2015 Purchase: Amazon Synopsis:   Sometimes it isn’t as easy as choosing right or wrong. Sixteen-year-old Holly Bennett is a comic book nerd, a con artist, and a shaman. Most days Holly wishes she could trade in her power of spirit communication for something more useful--like fireballs or Wolverine claws. She knows spirits aren't exactly Casper the Friendly Ghosts. They're dangerous beings from Lower World who snack on human life, and messing with the magic from their world is an express ticket to big trouble. But when a shaman sticks her mom's mind between their world and ours, Holly becomes the unexpected breadwinner in the family. She uses her burgeoning shaman powers to set up fake hauntings and "banish" the so-called ghosts from her wealthy classmates' bedrooms. For a fee, of course. When actual spirits start manifesting, Holly discovers th

March Recap!

I've decided to do a recap of the month because March has really been a fantastic one! Books Dead Heat releases: The fourth book in the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs, Dead Heat, released on March 3 after three years of waiting! (It was awesome!) Oblivion announced: On March 24, Jennifer L. Armentrout announced that she would be writing another companion-type book in the Lux series from Daemon Black's point-of-view!  *cue internal screaming* Crash & Burn: The ninth and final book in the Cut & Run series was released on March 28! I could not be sadder that it's over, but I'm so thankful to have met Ty & Zane- those boys will always have a piece of my heart.  <3 Fall With Me: The fourth book in the Wait For You series by my favorite author, Jennifer L. Armentrout, released on March 31 and I already know I'm going to love it! Book Haul: I got some awesome books this month! -Signed copy of Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout -Signed copy of T

Release Week Blitz: Fall With Me by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: Fall With Me Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Series: Wait For You, #4 Publisher: Avon Publication Date: March 31, 2015 Synopsis: Eleven months ago, bartender and weird-shirt-wearing extraordinaire Roxy and Officer Reece Anders had a one night stand. Well, kind of. She’s been in love with him since she was fifteen, and he wishes that night they shared never happened. She’s sworn him off forever, but the past and future collide, forcing her to rely on the one man who broke her heart not once, but twice. Her best friend since birth has been in a long-term care facility since he became a victim of a hate crime years ago, and the person who put him in there is out of prison and wanting to make amends with him and Roxy. She’s not sure she has room for forgiveness in her and when she begins to receive frightening messages and is on the receiving end of escalating violence, she thinks she knows who is to blame. The man who already destroyed one life already. But Reece isn’t convince

Book Blitz: Royal Date by Sariah Wilson (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: Royal Date Author: Sariah Wilson Publication Date: March 3, 2015 Synopsis: This Cinderella didn’t plan on a prince . . . Kat MacTaggart is a girl who has a plan for everything—including her holiday ski trip to Monterra with her best friend. Everything is going according to plan until she finds herself careening out of control down a mountainside and being rescued by a guy who looks like Superman’s hotter Italian cousin. HRH Prince Nico is intrigued by the woman he saved on the slopes and her refusal to date him. He offers Kat a deal—let him show her his country and he’ll pay her to write articles that will help Monterra’s tourism industry. Kat agrees, but given her past and lingering distrust of men, she has one condition—absolutely no kissing. Thanks to the claims of a jealous British noblewoman and the schemes of a meddling paparazzo, Kat’s rule doesn’t seem to be a problem at first. But the more Kat gets to know Nico and the people around him, the harder it is to remember h

Cover Reveal: Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist! by Kay Marie

Title:  Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist! Author: Kaitlyn Marie writing as Kay Marie Publication Date: May 18, 2015 Synopsis: From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie, comes a new adult romantic comedy about a girl who'll soon discover that some secrets can't be kept forever, especially those of the heart. My name is Skylar Quinn, I just moved to New York with my best friend Bridget, and I have a confession. Well, more than one. Okay, quite a few really. Fine, here goes! Confession #1: I'm a sex columnist. Hold on, that's not really the confession. You see, I'm sort of a columnist. Confession #2: I'm in love with Bridget's older brother, Oliver. No—I was. No—I am. Wait, was? Am? Crap. Confession #3: I've been avoiding Oliver for four years. Or I was until today, because he just moved in. Yes, you read that correctly. He's my new roommate. So that night we've both been pretending never happened, well, we mig

Book Blitz: Dragon Marked by Jaymin Eve (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: Dragon Marked Author:  Jaymin Eve  Series: Supernatural Prison, #1 Publication Date: January 27, 2015 Synopsis: There are supernatural prisons hidden across the globe. Contained within these fortresses are some of the deadliest criminals from the five supernatural races: vampire, shifter, fey, magic users and demi-fey. Jessa Lebron, twenty-two, has spent her entire life in Stratford, Connecticut, one of the gateway towns adjoining these prisons which protect the fortified borders. She’s a wolf shifter, and her father leads the town council. She learns that much of her life has been hidden from her, secrets which threaten to tear apart the very fabric of her world. Especially the biggest secret of them all. She is dragon marked. Jessa only knows what she’s been told about the dragon marked, that they are dangerous and must be eliminated to prevent the rise of the dragon king, the powerful warmonger who had his head removed a thousand years ago. So now Jessa's on the bigge

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

May the luck of the Irish send many books your way!  :D -Kristen ♥

Trailer Reveal: Fall With Me by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Title: Fall With Me Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Series: Wait For You, #4 Publisher: Avon Romance Publication Date: March 31, 2015 Synopsis: Eleven months ago, bartender and weird-shirt-wearing extraordinaire Roxy and Officer Reece Anders had a one night stand. Well, kind of. She’s been in love with him since she was fifteen, and he wishes that night they shared never happened. She’s sworn him off forever, but the past and future collide, forcing her to rely on the one man who broke her heart not once, but twice. Her best friend since birth has been in a long-term care facility since he became a victim of a hate crime years ago, and the person who put him in there is out of prison and wanting to make amends with him and Roxy. She’s not sure she has room for forgiveness in her and when she begins to receive frightening messages and is on the receiving end of escalating violence, she thinks she knows who is to blame. The man who already destroyed one life already. But Reece isn’t c

Book Blitz: The Infinite by Lori M. Lee (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: The Infinite Author:  Lori M. Lee Series: Gates of Thread and Stone, #2 Publisher: Skyscape Publishing Publication Date: March 10, 2015 Synopsis: The walls of Ninurta keep its citizens safe. Kai always believed the only danger to the city came from within. Now, with a rebel force threatening the fragile government, the walls have become more of a prison than ever. To make matters worse, as Avan explores his new identity as an Infinite, Kai struggles to remind him what it means to be human. And she fears her brother, Reev, is involved with the rebels. With the two people she cares about most on opposite sides of a brewing war, Kai will do whatever it takes to bring peace. But she’s lost her power to manipulate the threads of time, and she learns that a civil war might be the beginning of something far worse that will crumble not only Ninurta’s walls but also the entire city. In this thrilling sequel to  Gates of Thread and Stone , Kai must decide how much of her humanity she’