March Recap!

I've decided to do a recap of the month because March has really been a fantastic one!


Dead Heat releases:
The fourth book in the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs, Dead Heat, released on March 3 after three years of waiting! (It was awesome!)

Oblivion announced:
On March 24, Jennifer L. Armentrout announced that she would be writing another companion-type book in the Lux series from Daemon Black's point-of-view!  *cue internal screaming*

Crash & Burn:
The ninth and final book in the Cut & Run series was released on March 28! I could not be sadder that it's over, but I'm so thankful to have met Ty & Zane- those boys will always have a piece of my heart.  <3

Fall With Me:
The fourth book in the Wait For You series by my favorite author, Jennifer L. Armentrout, released on March 31 and I already know I'm going to love it!

Book Haul: I got some awesome books this month!
-Signed copy of Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout
-Signed copy of The Beautiful Ashes by Jeaniene Frost
-Signed copy of Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs
-Signed copy of The Return by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Thanks Book Bumblings!)
-Fall Of Night by Rachel Caine
-Black Dawn by Rachel Caine


Disney released a live-action version of Cinderella on March 13 that was so good even the critics liked it.

Beauty and the Beast:
Disney announced the release date for the live-action Beauty and the Beast featuring Emma Watson, which is none other than March 17, 2017!

Paper Towns:
Is John Green the new Nicholas Sparks? I sure hope so! The movie poster for Paper Towns was revealed on March 12 and the trailer dropped on March 19!

The sequel to Veroncia Roth's epic dystopian, Divergent, released on March 20 and I really enjoyed it!

This is not a drill! It's happening guys, Disney is developing a live-action Mulan!!


Once Upon A Time:
OUAT is an awesome show and it returned on March 1 with villains galore!

Secrets and Lies:
This new mini-series debuted on March 1 and boy, is it twisty!

I finally binge-watched the rest of Outlander (it took me two days) and cannot wait for it to return! (Jamie Fraser is mine!)

CW premiered the first episode on March 17 and I was immediately hooked! Who doesn't love a sassy zombie?

The Walking Dead:
The season finale aired on March 29, but please keep your spoilers to yourself, I haven't quite caught up yet!

If you watch the show Revenge, than I'm you know that something really major happened on this past episode, Clarity (March 29)!!  *dead*

You can't keep a shadowhunter down! ABC Family officially announced that there will indeed be a Mortal Instruments TV show and I could not be more excited!!

-Kristen ♥


  1. Yes! March was a really good month.
    I can't wait to see Emma as Beauty, it's my favorite DIsney movie
    Ruty @Reading...Dreaming

    1. I love Beauty and the Beast too! And I think Emma is going to be amazing as Belle! :)


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