Book Review: Hold Me Like A Breath by Tiffany Schmidt

Title: Hold Me Like A Breath
Author: Tiffany Schmidt
Series: Once Upon a Crime Family, #1
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication Date: May 19, 2015

Synopsis: Penelope Landlow has grown up with the knowledge that almost anything can be bought or sold—including body parts. She’s the daughter of one of the three crime families that control the black market for organ transplants.

Penelope’s surrounded by all the suffocating privilege and protection her family can provide, but they can't protect her from the autoimmune disorder that causes her to bruise so easily.

And in her family's line of work no one can be safe forever.

All Penelope has ever wanted is freedom and independence. But when she’s caught in the crossfire as rival families scramble for prominence, she learns that her wishes come with casualties, that betrayal hurts worse than bruises, that love is a risk worth taking . . . and maybe she’s not as fragile as everyone thinks.

Review: This book absolutely blew me away! It was not at all what I expected, but in the best way possible. The main character, Penelope Landlow lives in a crime family that deals in the black market for organ transplants.

If that, in and of itself, isn't interesting enough, Penelope has a disease that causes her to bruise very easily. Although many people view her as being weak, she proves them all wrong in an epic adventure full of heartbreak, danger, and many twists and turns.

I really loved reading about the crime family aspect and how they operated. Equally intriguing was Penelope's disease; I had vaguely heard of people who had such a disease, but it's really hard to understand exactly what they go through on a day-to-day basis. I feel like I've really learned and have a great respect for those who have a disease/disorder that some would try to view as a weakness, but who refuse to let it become one.

Overall, this was a fantastic story about bravery and standing up for yourself with a sweet side of romance. I definitely recommend it!

An ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

-Kristen ♥


  1. I have been dying to read this.I am crazy about the cover and message. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one.

    Great Review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. Thank you!! I totally think the cover's amazing too! :D

  2. Great review you got! This sounds cute. I would definitely check this out and read it. <3 Thanks for putting it in my radar.

    Yani /


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