Hamilton Book Tag

I am obsessed with Hamilton, you guys. ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED. So I obviously had to do the Hamilton Book Tag, created by Maureen Keavy. :)

"Okay, so we're doin' this..."

My Shot | A character that goes after what they want and doesn’t let anything stop them

This has to go to Rose Hathaway from the Vampire Academy series because she definitely fits the bill. She is so badass and a fighter and she never takes no for an answer.

The Schuyler Sisters | Underrated Female Character

Not only is this character underrated, but so is the entire series! Max Ride is a leader and so, so fierce and she needs more love.

You’ll Be Back | Sassiest Villain

I racked my brain with this one and could not for the life of me come up with a sassy villain. There are plenty of sassy heroes, but no bad guys. So I'm going to cheat a little and go outside the book world for this one. The title of sassiest villain can only go to one guy and that's Hades.

Right Hand Man | Favorite BROTP

I would have to say Shane & Michael from the Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine. Best friends since high school turned roommates, they always have each other's backs which is especially important when living in a town run by vampires.

Helpless | A relationship you were pulling for from the very start

Because I had already gotten glimpses of Simon & Baz's relationship from Fangirl, when Carry On finally got into my hands, I was already aboard that ship.

Satisfied | Favorite book with multiple POVs

I had to choose Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout because this was the first book in the Lux series where we finally got to read from Daemon's POV and it was glorious!!

Wait For It | A book worth waiting for

Right now I am desperately awaiting Hamilton: The Revolution by Lin-Manuel Miranda & Jeffrey Seller because I need more Hamilton in my life. This book comes out April 12, 2016!

Stay Alive | A character you wish was still alive

It still makes me sad every time I think about Prim dying. Because she was the reason this all happened. Katniss volunteered to go into the games to save her, but in the end it was all in vain. :(

Ten Duel Commandments | Favorite fight scene

Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill has one of the coolest fight scenes featuring Merit, a newborn vampire, Ethan, a master vampire, and a katana.

What Comes Next | A series you wish had more books

This isn't a series, but Illusions of Fate was so good and I just really need more!!

Non-Stop | A series you marathoned

I marathoned The Mediator series by Meg Cabot a long time ago. But it was so fun reading all six books back-to-back and getting immersed in the story and characters.

What’d I Miss | A book or series you were late to reading

I'm the worse!! The 5th Wave came out THREE years ago and I finally read the first two books in the series this year but they definitely lived up to the hype.

Say No To This | Guilty pleasure read

There's not really one book that is my guilty pleasure read, so much as an entire genre. You know the ones, those smexier type books with covers that you have to hide in public.  ;)

The Room Where It Happens | Book world you would put yourself in

Sure the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost is a world of vampires, ghouls, and ghosts. And yes, it can be very dangerous. But this is also a world with Bones in it, so that more than makes up for it.

The Reynolds Pamphlet | A book with a twist you didn’t see coming

No spoilers! But you guys, this book had a twist that blew my mind. You should definitely read Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon.

Burn | The most heartbreaking end to a relationship you’ve ever read

With Delirium by Lauren Oliver, you're in this world where love is considered this forbidden disease but our main character finally discovered the truth and fell in love and then that ending just BROKE MY HEART and tears were shed. </3

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story | A book/series you feel will be remembered throughout history

Even though I have yet to read the entire Harry Potter series... *hides in shame* I still feel like this is the only possible choice, with a franchise that has inspired so many and a fanbase that is still going strong, there is no doubt in my mind that Harry Potter will go down in history.

 -Kristen ♥


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