Review: The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry

Title: The Amaranth Enchantment
Author: Julie Berry
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication Date: March 3, 2009

Synopsis: When Lucinda Chapdelaine was a small child, her parents left for the royal ball and never returned. Ever since, Lucinda has been stuck in perpetual servitude at her evil aunt’s jewelry store.

Then, on the very same day, a mysterious visitor and an even more bizarre piece of jewelry both enter the shop, setting in motion a string of twists and turns that will forever alter Lucinda’s path.

In this magical story filled with delightful surprises, Lucinda will dance at the royal ball, fall under the Amaranth Witch’s spell, avenge her parents’ death, and maybe — just maybe — capture the heart of a prince.

Verdict: This book was an enjoyably fast and light paced read! A sort of Cinderella re-make. It kept you guessing till the very end. And even though I was rooting for Peter, I liked how things turned out between Lucinda and George! :))

Rating: 5/5 Stars

-Kristen ♥


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