Title: Breaking the Reins Author: Juliana Haygert Publication Date: August 2013 Synopsis: Horses, mansions, tea parties, and lies are twenty-year-old Hannah Taylor’s life. To others, her family and her relationship with Eric is perfect. But she knows the truth. She lives it. After a fire takes her grandma's life and kills her horse, Hannah's immaculate life spirals out of control. Her father disapproves of her decision to run her grandma’s ranch instead of focusing solely on learning the family business; Animal Control brings her Argus, a mistreated horse that she can't turn away even though she's not ready for another horse; and her boyfriend, Eric Bennett, a world famous polo player, becomes possessive and authoritarian. Despite her best efforts to disguise it, Hannah grows wary of him. Then, Leonardo Fernandes struts onto the polo scene. A cocky rookie with a messy life of his own, he’s drawn to Hannah and isn’t afraid of showing it, even when Eric makes it clear...
Ooo I love the cover of Fracture! SO pretty! I think you'll like the Adoration of Jenna Fox. I've read it twice myself =)
ReplyDeleteI started reading The Rule of Claw quite a while ago, and have been meaning to pick it back up ever since. I read Fracture, and am planning to post my review in December, email me if you want to compare notes. I loved The Adoration of Jenna Fox when I first read it, I hope you enjoy it as well. Here's my IMM, http://novelminded.blogspot.com/2011/10/in-my-mailbox-3.html Happy Reading!