Blog Tour: Oldsoul by Dan Haring (Interview)

Hello Bloggy Followers! I am so thrilled to be participating in this virtual book tour for Dan Haring's debut novel: Oldsoul!

And..... we have Dan here with us on the blog today! :)) But first, a little bit more information about him:
Dan Haring has been drawing and writing for most of his life. He earned his degree in animation from BYU and has worked on such films as The Incredible Hulk and Disney's Tangled. He's from a tiny town in Utah called Goshen, and currently lives in Southern California with his wife and children.

Author Website:
Twitter: @danharing

First off, I'd like to thank you for joining me on the blog today!

Thank you so much for having me! I'm excited to be here.

1. Describe Oldsoul as a tweet (140 characters or less)!

Jason in an Oldsoul. He's got a dead girl in his mind, a girl to save, & is up against an army of immortal bad guys only Oldsouls can kill. (Barely got it in under the wire)

2. If you could re-title Oldsoul what would you call it and why?

I might consider calling it Old Soul, just because that's what it tends to get called a lot anyway. Otherwise I don't think I would change it.

3. What inspired you to start writing?

I've always loved writing. I wrote super emo poetry for the most part in high school, but never much prose. Just a short story here and there. I had an idea for a scene one night a few years ago, not really knowing where it would lead, and I just sat down and wrote it. That more or less turned into the first chapter of Oldsoul.

4. What kind of research if any did you do for Oldsoul?

Most of the souls within Jason are based on real people from history, so that was the majority of the research I did, and it was really fun. For instance, I learned about the Massagetae people, who I'd never heard of before and kind of stumbled onto. But their leader, Tomyris, ended up playing a fairly big part in the story.

5. Do you have a specific place where you write?

Not really. I wrote Oldsoul in gmail, just so I could have it wherever I was. Sometimes I'd work on it during my lunch break at work. I do most of my writing on my laptop at various places around the house.

This or That...

Ebook or Real book?

Real book. I love the feel and look of them on the shelf. But I just got a Kindle, so we'll see.

Twitter or Facebook?

Ooh, that's a really tough one. Facebook might have a slight edge just because i have more old friends on there. But Twitter is usually more fun.

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate, in everything. I can't believe so many people prefer vanilla.

Past or Future?

Future. You've got to learn from the past, but there's no sense in dwelling on it.

And just for fun- What is the strangest thing on your desk right now?

Honestly, I don't think there's anything that would be considered strange. Just pens and a few pads of paper. But I do have something awesome, which is this amigurumi Batman my wife made for me.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!

Thanks again!
Oldsoul by Dan Haring
Synopsis: Jason Gouvas doesn’t want to believe he has special abilities or that he's an Oldsoul-- a vessel for the souls of people who have passed away, but the dead girl in his mind can be very persuasive.

Her name is Erin, and through her Jason is able to access the knowledge and skills of the souls within him. And with a group of power-hungry immortals bent on destroying the Oldsouls and overthrowing humanity, he's going to need them all.

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To visit the other blogs particpating in the tour, head on over to Krista's blog: CubicleBlindness.
-Kristen ♥


  1. Excellent interview! I didn't know about the research that went into building the souls Jason lives with...very cool!

  2. Super Hero Emo? now that sounds like an interesting story!

  3. Great interview! Love the mini Batman! :D
    Oldsoul is on my to-be-read list, so I'm really looking forward to it.

  4. Great interview! I don't get vanilla lovers either. Chocolate all the way! And that is the cutest Batman!

  5. Hey Kristen, thank you for the interview! It was really fun to do, and thank you for being part of the Oldsoul blog tour!


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