Over the last couple of weeks, you might have heard us talking about the upcoming #daemoninvasion and I'm so excited to finally share with you what is going on. Really excited. The beautiful and uber cool models, Pepe Toth and Sztella Tziotziosz, who grace the Lux covers, will be joining us in the United States! You heard right. They are flying here, from Hungary to spend a few days as Daemon and Katy! While they are here, they will be working with Vania, from VLC Productions (the team behind Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, Melissa de La Cruz, Kimberly Derting, Moira Young, Kami Garcia and Margret Stohl, Hillary Duff, Lauren Destefano, and many, many more authors’ book trailers), to film book trailers for the Lux Series. During the filming in Atlanta, they will be accompanying Jennifer on tour! What does that mean? You get to meet them. In the flesh. They will be participating in the signings and events. At those signings, we'll be giving away signed posters...