Book Superlative Saturday (1)

Book Superlative Saturday is a meme hosted by Bengal Reads in which you get to vote on a character/book for each topic posted.

Topics to Vote On:1. Hottest Literary Boy/Girl
2. Best Book Couple
3. Funniest Literary Clown
4. Most Outgoing
5. Best Dressed
6. Most Thought About

1. Hottest Literary Boy/Girl: For me the hottest literary boy ever would have to be Bones from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. But since this is a YA book blog, I'll have to go with Daemon from Obsidan by Jennifer L. Armentrout because this is one smoking-hot alien!

2. Best Book Couple: I love Shane and Clare from the Morganville Vampires series by Rachel Caine! They are so amazing and cute together!

3. Funniest Literary Clown: I loved Scout and Lily from the Dark Elite series! Together, their funny antics always made me laugh! 

4. Most Outgoing: Lily from the Dark Elite series by Chloe Neill is one of the most outgoing characters (I can think of at the moment). She could probably get along with anyone.

5. Best Dressed: I would have to say Isabelle from the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. This girl knew how to dress in style. And has even battled demons in a dress and high-heels.

6. Most Thought About:
The most though about book for me would probably be Delirium by Lauren Oliver! This is seriously my favorite book ever and I absolutely loved the sequel, Pandemonium, as well. If you haven't read this series yet, then you need to get on that, like, right now.  :))

-Kristen ♥


  1. Hey Kristen!I love your choices, a lot of these books I haven't read so I will be adding them to my TBR list ASAP :D I have Delirium and Pandemonium sitting on my shelf, but I haven't read them yet! Since you voted it for Most Thought About I'll have to move it way up on my TBR list :) Thank you so much for participating, you are the first one to do so! I am really excited and can't appreciate your participation enough :) I am a follower via GFC and Networked Blogs!

    -I love your blog template! The Blue and Green are so pretty together :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Kayla Graham @ Bengal Reads


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