Blog Me MAYbe!

Hello Bloggy Followers!
So I just discovered Blog Me MAYbe created by Sara McClung. It's a fun blogging effort taking place during the month of May to prompt us to write great blog posts!

The Purpose: To get back in the habit of blogging regularly by following a weekly format for the month of May. (Or if you already post regularly, to have an easy schedule to follow without having to struggle with what to blog about.) (But if posting every day sounds like too much, or if you miss a few days, or only do a couple posts a week, who cares, yanno?)
What you DON'T have to do: Follow every blog that participates and comment on everyone's posts every day. This isn't a blogfest to gain followers--although maybe that will happen! And of course if you WANT to follow everyone, feel free :)

But really the point of this is to focus mostly on our own blogs and to write posts about things we're interested in that our followers will want to read about.
The Schedule:

  • Mondays: May I tell you something about writing?
    • This can be anything writing-related. A post on craft. A post on your process. A snippet of your WIP, if you like to share. A book on craft that you want to recommend. Things you struggle with. Things you rock at. ANYTHING at all!
  • Tuesdays: May I tell you something about myself?
    • Pretty self-explanatory :) Share something about yourself that your follows might not know. Or maybe they do. It doesn't matter--this is just so people who read your blog can get to know you a little better.
  • Wednesdays: May I ask something about you?
    • Ask your followers something about themselves.
  • Thursdays: May I tell you something about someone else?
    • Make this post about someone else. A writing friend. A critique partner. A person from history who's fascinating. A character from a book. Anyone you want :) Have a guest poster. Give an interview. Get creative! Just let the spotlight shine on someone else.
  • Fridays: May I share something funny?
    • Fridays = the starts of weekends! BOOYA. Reason to celebrate and laugh on it's own--plus, who doesn't want to see something amusing after a long week?

Taken from Sara's blog.
Sounds fun, right? If you'd like to participate head on over to Sara's blog and sign up!  :))
-Kristen ♥


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