Blog Tour: How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon (Excerpt + Giveaway)

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Title: How to Marry an Alien
Author: Magan Vernon
Series: My Alien Romance, #3
Publisher: Calta Press
Publication Date: November 18, 2012

Synopsis: Alex’s interstellar relationship has finally been sealed in the eyes of the human world, so now she can move on to her next step: college.

With Ace by her side and a new piece of jewelry on her finger, she thinks she is ready for anything. Well, almost anything.
Her new roommate holds a dangerous link to her past that Alex isn't sure if she can handle. Then there is the whole alien fiancé thing. Every time she tries to get closer to Ace, he seems to pull further away. Top that off with a full summer class load and a few more alien attacks and it’s just another day for Alex.

Except this time she isn’t sure if marrying an alien will be the happy ending she’s hoping for.

Previous Books in the Series:

About the Author: Magan Vernon is a Young Adult and New Adult writer who lives with her family in the insurance capital of the world. She is in a very serious, fake relationship with Adam Lambert and constantly asks her husband to wear guyliner. He still refuses. She also believes her husband is secretly an alien, disguised as a southern gentleman.


He smiled before his fingers moved from my shirt and through my hair. He stopped when he reached the end of my hair and his hand rested against my back. "I really don't want to keep you from doing your studies." Ace took my left hand in his, brushing my knuckles with his lips. "I don't want this ring to just represent an engagement forever, and without a degree the Circe treaty says our marriage cannot happen."
"So, if I end up failing out of college because I can't write a decent speech, does that mean we will never get married since that is what the treaty says?" I arched an eyebrow, genuinely curious.
"There are always loopholes. You and I proved that when we broke the age-old tradition that humans and aliens cannot be together." He pressed his hand against mine, cupping his long fingers over mine.
"How do you always know the right things to say?" I asked.
"Because you, my dear, are my inspiration. Your beauty puts the words in my heart and your voice brings the words to my lips." He smiled, bringing out the Grecian look to his face. Who could resist a guy that was that gorgeous and had a way with words?
I leaned over, covering his smile with my lips and pulling him into a kiss. He released my hands from his and pulled me closer. His warm palms pressed against my lower back where my shirt didn't meet my jeans. The heat from his fingers against my exposed skin made me let out a muffled moan beneath his lips.
With my mouth slightly pulled away, he nibbled on my bottom lip, his hands trailing up and under my shirt, spreading the heat throughout my body. I pressed myself closer against his chest. The cold ripple of his defined stomach combined with his warm hands felt like ice cream in the summertime—a refreshing combination of hot and cold.
Ace moved his lips from mine and let them linger from my mouth, up my jaw line until he reached my earlobe. "I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you too," I whispered back before rolling my head back while his lips trailed down my neck. With all of the frustrations with school, Riley, the accident, Ace had been there with me through them all. I loved him with my very being. He was the only one who was there for me no matter what happened. I even caused him to end up in the infirmary for a few days and get ostracized by his planet, but he still loved me. I couldn't even say that about some of my family members.
I wanted to take my chance. I never wanted to feel like I did the day of the car accident. I didn't want to lose him forever without him having all of me. I pulled back, looking down at his endless black eyes. Slowly, I reached for the hem of my shirt and tugged it over my head, tossing it to the side of the bed.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

-Kristen ♥


  1. I just want to say that the first book, How To Date an Alien by Magan, was a cute enjoyable read. I would and have recommended it to my friends. I have yet to read the other two books, but I will have to get my hands on them!

  2. Thanks for sharing this great news with us. I hope we will get great knowledge by this.
    Yüz Germe


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