Movie Review: City of Bones

Title: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
Director: Harald Zwart
Starring: Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower, Robert Sheehan, Jemima West, Kevin Zegers, & Godfrey Gao
Release Date: August 21, 2013

Synopsis: Set in contemporary New York City, a seemingly ordinary teenager, Clary Fray (Lily Collins), discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons. After the disappearance of her mother (Lena Headey), Clary must join forces with a group of Shadowhunters, who introduce her to a dangerous alternate New York called Downworld, filled with demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and other deadly creatures. Based on the worldwide best-selling book series.

Verdict: Whew! You guys.... what a wild ride! I absolutely loved the movie! When it was finished, I wasn't left with this icky feeling that book hadn't been done justice. All I wanted to do was buy another ticket so I could see it again!

Be Warned: Spoilers ahead!!

Now, I'll be completely honest with ya, I was never sold on Jamie Campbell Bower playing Jace because, to me, he didn't have that 'Jace look.' But Jamie more than made up for it in his portrayal of everyone's favorite sarcastically snarky and adorably arrogant Jace.

Lily Collins on the other hand looked like the perfect Clary Fray and who, I thought, played her wonderfully as well. Also, Lily and Jamie together, do make the perfect CLACE:

Robert Sheehan as Simon Lewis was an exemplary decision. He has the perfect combination of cute nerdiness & utter hotness. Also, his little argument with Jace about the cops being/not being cops was freakin' adorable. Oh, did I mention that Simon was a hottie?

Shirtless Simon.....
Now, on to the Lightwood siblings! I though Isabelle was perfectly bad-ass, I just wished we could have seen more of her personality. Alec doesn't look exactly like I pictured him, but I dig Kevin Zegers.

Godfrey Gao as Magnus Bane, 100% looked the part of the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Sadly, we did not to get to see the more outrageous and strange parts of Magnus' personality. But I'm sure that will be rectified in the future movies. What was ahhh-mazingly awesome, was the teeny little scene we get between Magnus & Bane, who I ship very hard:

Now, I'm not going to be all LA, DE, LA, DE, LA and say this movie was perfection and all sunshine and daises. There were times when you could tell they were trying too hard to be funny. The first half of the movie, they were doing above and beyond awesome with how closely they stuck to the book, but then Valentine appeared and things went a little South. It was still an amazing adaptation, don't get me wrong. I loved the music, the CGI, the actors & actresses (even Valentine was yummy..... thanks to Jonathan Rhys Meyers), the sweeping shots of New York City and the Institute. But when Valentine summons demons (quite easily, I might add) when that never happened in the book, I was kind of like, "Um.... okay....?" And they totally give away the Clary and Jace siblings secret thing for the sham that it was which I totally saw coming. I mean, could you imagine the outrage of all the parents concerned over the incestuous acts done if they hadn't? Another thing, I wish they could have spread out Clary and Jace falling in love a little bit more. In the book it wasn't  insta-love, but the movie kind of made it seem that way.... I know!..... time constraints and all that, but in the movie, they literally knew each other a grand total of two days. Just sayin'. I loved Lena Headey as Jocelyn and Aidan Turner as Luke (except for.... what was up with that one strip of blonde in his hair? Was that in the books?) In conclusion, City of Bones wasn't perfect, but it was pretty freakin' close which is why I'm awarding it 5 stars!  <3

Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

-Kristen ♥


  1. Aw, I'm glad to see you enjoyed it, Kris. I'm still not sold on the idea of JCB as Jace, but I'll let you know if I've changed my mind after I see it this weekend!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. Glad you enjoyed it too! I was so worried about the the actors on measuring up the to characters! surprisingly I loved Clary and Jace.

    Great Review!

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