Blog Tour: Quintessentially Q by Pepper Winters (Review + Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: Quintessentially Q
Author: Pepper Winters
Series: Monsters in the Dark, #2
Publication Date: December 13, 2013

Synopsis: “All my life, I battled with the knowledge I was twisted… fucked up to want something so deliciously dark—wrong on so many levels. But then slave fifty-eight entered my world. Hissing, fighting, with a core of iron, she showed me an existence where two wrongs make a right."

Tess is Q’s completely. Q is Tess’s irrevocably. But now, they must learn the boundaries of their unconventional relationship, while Tess seeks vengeance on the men who sold her. Q made a blood-oath to deliver their corpses at Tess’s feet, and that’s just what he’ll do.

He may be a monster, but he’s Tess’s monster.

Review: OH.... MY.... GOD.... Never before have I experienced so much emotional turmoil and trauma while reading a book!! Quintessentially Q literally had me gasping aloud, shedding real tears, staying up till dawn, and curling up in the fetal position in order to recover after it was all through. Q was magnificent! I honestly didn't think I could love him anymore than I already did, but Mrs. Winters proved me wrong. Tess. Poor, poor Tess. There were times when I felt so sorry for her, but when she just continuously refused to snap out of it, I was right there along with Q, with wanting to reach through the pages and give her a good hard slap shake because we both knew she had so much strength that she wasn't tapping into! But in the end, I think their relationship was stronger than ever for the hardship they both had to endure. Now, I don't want to give too much away for those who have yet to read it (If you haven't read it- what the heck are you waiting for?). But oh man, was I not expecting those turn of events! Whew.... And then the sacrifice Q made for her. Sigh.... I just cannot sing this book's praises enough. Monsters in the Dark is one ahhh-mazing series and you don't want to miss out! All that's left for me to do is wait for Twisted Together (Dear March, hurry the hell up)! :)

Rating: 5/5 stars

About the Author: Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero the better and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex… her books have sex. She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby (who speaks French—hot!) who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She loves to hear from her readers so hit her up at


“Tess,” I growled, charging for the bed.

She let me come. She didn’t move away or try to hide under the covers. She cocked her head. “I didn’t think you’d be sleeping with me. Not after what I said.”

She wore the same white T-shirt of mine to bed, and all I could think about was her undressing before I strapped her to the cross—it felt like a century ago. We’d been happy then. I’d been tormented and scared, but happy as Tess promised she’d never leave.

I pinched my brow, trying to get my thoughts under control. “I’m not coming to bed, esclave. You and I need to talk.”

She eyed me but nodded. “Okay.”

Goddammit, where was the fire? The argument that she didn’t want to talk because I woke her in the dead of night. I needed to see tenacity and boldness. Nothing shone on her face, no ounce of emotion.

I squeezed my eyes, trying to understand what the fuck I was doing here.


Her soft voice wrapped around my heart and I struck.

I didn’t mean to. I didn’t give my hand permission to strike her cheek. It just happened. The force of her power over me made the monster fucking crazy. Denied for so long, it’d done what I was terrified of happening all along. It took away my control—made me hit her.

The soft sting in my palm and the resonating noise of connecting with Tess’s cheek was pure heaven. I’d missed it for far too long. I opened my eyes, looking at the red handprint on her skin. My cock instantly hardened.

The first fucking erection I’d had since I found Tess so ruined and weak.

Her eyes popped wide as she touched her cheek with gentle fingertips.

I waited, licking my lips—waiting for her crystal tears that tasted so sweet, but her eyes remained dry. No salt, no amazement, or accusation.

“I know you’re trying to get an emotion out of me, Q. But…it won’t work.” She broke eye contact. “I’ve tried. I hate what I’m doing to you. I loved you and can’t stand to be the reason for your pain, but they made me—” She swallowed. “My thoughts aren’t safe anymore. I can’t be myself because everything is wrapped up in such evil.” She looked up. “I’m truly sorry but you have to let me go.”

The alcohol rolled in my stomach and I lost it completely. I’m not proud of what I became. I never wanted to be so out of control, but I lost all elements of the man and showed her just how much the beast fucking wanted her.

I ripped the sheets off and shoved her into the middle of the bed. The T-shirt rode up, showing her flat belly, and I had to bite her. Had to mar that slightly bruised flesh.

With a snarl, I buried my mouth against her stomach. She flinched as I bit hard. I didn’t break the skin, but only because some miracle intervened.

I spread my entire weight over her, smothering her into the mattress. Eyes to eyes, mouth to mouth, hips to hips.

I thrust hard against her, groaning at how good my hard cock felt. It’d been too long. Way too long since I’d had this woman…since I’d wanted this woman. “Feel that, Tess. That’s for you. I want you. So. Fucking. Much. Please come back to me. You will come back to me.” I smashed my mouth against hers. Her taste intoxicated me more than any alcohol.

Pepper is offering up (5) eBook copies of Tears of Tess (INTL) and (2) swag packs (INTL) up for grabs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

-Kristen ♥


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