Blog Tour: Clearer in the Night by Rebecca Croteau (Excerpt + Giveaway)

Title: Clearer in the Night
Author: Rebecca Croteau
Publisher: Penner Publishing
Publication Date: May 11, 2015

Synopsis: Cait’s used to being an outsider. The odd girl out, the one with the alcoholic mother. The one whose sister and father died. The one who might just have telepathy. These things she could manage, could hide just enough to get by. Now a werewolf’s bite forces her outside the whole human race.

Two men—the one night hook-up who shows up at her hospital bed, and the rescuer worker who may be following her—seem to know more about her condition than she does…and about this strange world of magic she’s pulled into. As Cait plunges into this darker reality, painful secrets of her past are churned up and she’s forced to confront her new identity.

Torn between the between the sweet and too-hot-to-be-true Eli and possessive, darkly sensual Wes, Cait must decide whom to trust and which side to choose…before it’s too late.

About the Author: Rebecca, Ree to her friends, lives with her family in the wilds of New England. She is owned by two cats, and enjoys discovering the various ways that one can enjoy string. She is fueled by coffee, and strong autumn breezes.


I kept my gaze low, focusing on the step in front of me, and then the one after that, and then the one after that. Just the next step, Cait. Don’t worry about what happens when your lungs tighten up again, and just run. Just keep moving.

That’s probably why I ran straight into someone. When running, remember to keep your eyes up. At least every once in a while. When you stare at your own feet, you smack straight into someone, hitting them with a huge oof of force, and the both of you go down in an unattractive and painful tangle of limbs and elbows. He must have seen me coming, though; he wrapped his arms around me, and managed to roll us both towards the grass, instead of landing on the sidewalk, and take the worst of the fall. We ended up side by side, and I looked up as I caught my breath—then lost it again as I met Eli’s deep blue eyes and slight, almost teasing, smile.

“Well,” he said, without loosening the circle of his arms. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

I almost relaxed. For no reason, for no sane reason, I almost let him hold me. And then I forced a laugh and pushed myself away. “Hey, sorry about that, I was—”

He let me go, still smiling that secret smile. “It happens.”

I sat up, collecting my arms and legs and detangling them from his. “Do you regularly get knocked over by girls who can’t be bothered to see where they’re going?”

“Okay, it’s not an everyday occurrence.”

“What are you doing here, anyway?” My tone was more accusatory than I’d meant it to be, but I let it stand. Because I was curious.

-$10.00 Amazon Gift Card and Three Digital Copies of Clearer in the Night

a Rafflecopter giveaway

-Kristen ♥


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