Cover Reveal: Inevitable Circumstances by S.R. Grey

Title: Inevitable Circumstances
Author: S.R. Grey
Series: Inevitability, #2
Publication Date: May 14, 2015

Synopsis: My name is Essa Brant, and I’ve just made the biggest mistake of my life. By trusting someone I shouldn’t, by forgetting I’m in love with a dangerous man with many enemies, I now find myself caught up in some very dire circumstances.

I’m learning, though, that when all is lost, there is still something you can hold on to: hope. Well, I’m holding tight with my last and final hope that Farren will save me.


My name is Farren Shaw, and when I discover the woman I love has been abducted I am ready to go to any lengths to save her.

I will kill and destroy for Essa. After all, it’s not like I haven’t done these things before.

Only problem is, when I do find Essa and finally tell her all the things I’ve been keeping from her, will she still want me?


Fast-paced and exciting, Inevitable Circumstances promises to leave your pulse racing, while your heart roots for love to win in the end.

Previous book in the series:

About the Author: S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author and a Barnes & Noble #1 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, the Inevitability duology, A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy, and the new Laid Bare series of novellas. Ms. Grey's novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year. New novels slated for 2015 release dates are Inevitable Circumstances (Inevitability #2), more Laid Bare novellas, and a New Adult novel to be revealed in the future.

AND NOW, for the big reveal.....

-Kristen ♥


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